ROMO Wind is a technology and service company dedicated to extracting the full value of wind power and providing unparalleled accuracy and transparency to wind measurements. Our unique iSpin technology ensures that your turbines reach their full potential by measuring the wind where it first hits the turbine, at the spinner, in front of the wings.
The cost effective and low maintenance iSpin system allows turbine owners to gather all the relevant wind data for all turbine types, in all climates and all terrains, independent of the OEM.
ROMO Wind offers a wide range of services, related to the iSpin data, to maximize your turbines performance, including lifetime extension, performance monitoring, curtailment strategies and much more.
With more than 1000 installations on 72 turbine types, worldwide, ROMO Wind caters to all turbine owners who want to get the most out of their turbines.
ROMO Wind is based in Switzerland and has operations in Denmark, Germany, Spain, France and Italy.