At Resdrob, we’re not just in the poultry industry - we’re champions of progressive animal welfare. As a leading poultry producer, our commitment extends beyond production to genuinely caring for the wellbeing of our birds.
We’ve forged strong partnerships with dedicated farmers, esteemed veterinarians, and leading animal welfare organizations. Together, we ensure that our birds experience a life that reflects natural behaviors.
With Resdrob, ‘home’ for our birds means more than a place to stay. It includes spacious environments, thoughtful placement of perches, and the provision of pecking substrates. We couple these with meticulous control over lighting and temperature to ensure optimal living conditions.
Choosing Resdrob goes beyond choosing quality poultry. It’s a choice for respecting animal life and supporting sustainable farming. When you choose Resdrob, you’re not just purchasing a product, but investing in a cause.
Join us on our journey towards a sustainable, welfare-centric poultry industry. #Resdrob #AnimalWelfare #SustainableFarming