Quomeda has access to a global network of clinical and non-clinical healthcare professionals, payers and KOL’s with the potential to source valuable, strategic data from some of the most challenging markets and environments.
Since its inception, Quomeda has been focusing on building accurate and valuable business intelligence tools to enable healthcare industry executives to access key market data and make data-driven decisions.
Through this process, Quomeda has become one of the premier healthcare research consultancies providing global Med-Tech and Pharma companies with strategic advice to drive forward their Sales and Marketing plans.
Quomeda can cover a range of your needs;
-Market Analysis and Market Access
-Concept testing
-Patient Flow mapping and testing
-Competitor Analysis
-DRG & Reimbursement
-HEOR studies
-Congress Tech Suite Recruiting
-KOL & Decision Maker Mapping
-VOC and message testing
-Digital Marketing ROI Testing
-Quarterly Tracking studies