Quantum Design

Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing, Magnetometers, Meters · 201 Employees
Phone Number: info@quantumdesigngroup.com
Email Address: info@quantumdesigngroup.com
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Quantum Design is a privately held corporation that develops and markets automated temperature and magnetic field testing platforms for materials characterization. These systems offer a variety of measurement capabilities and are in widespread use in the fields of physics, chemistry, biotechnology, materials science and nanotechnology. A broad product line allows Quantum Design to address the scientific and operational requirements of researchers around the world. Benefiting from its depth in instrument design and manufacturing, Quantum Design (QD) has become the leading commercial source for automated materials characterization systems incorporating superconducting technology. These instruments may be found in the world’s leading research institutions, and have become the reference standard for a variety of magnetic and physical property measurements. QD instruments are cited in, and provide the data for, more scientific publications than any other instrument in the fields of magnetics and materials characterization. This means that each year, literally hundreds of scientific publications, advancing the science of materials use data generated from QD instruments. In diverse areas such as materials characterization, high-sensitivity electrical measurements, and defense-related magnetic anomaly detection, Quantum Design’s team of scientists and engineers provides a full spectrum of service and application support for customers both domestically and internationally.
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Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing, Magnetometers, Meters, Instruments & Controls, Gas Liquefiers, Liquefiers, Process Equipment, Gas Purifiers, Air Conditioning & Purifying Equipment, Purifiers
HQ Location
10307 Pacific Center Ct San Diego, California 92121, US
  • 10307 Pacific Center Ct San Diego, California 92121, US

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Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing, Magnetometers, Meters

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