QUARTZ CAPITAL PARTNERS LTD is a Financial intermediation entity(not elsewhere classified)
Company number: 04282665 located at Launched in 2004 as a intermediary between FS entities + ad-hoc investment opportunities in Europe by the 2 founding shareholders / Directors.
The company is currently dormant however the current Directors are active looking for investments - so please get in touch.
Legal Disclaimer
Please note this company is not related to and has no relationship with the now dissolved Quartz Capital Ltd (formally called Quartz Capital Partners Ltd) which used to be part of Knight Trading Group https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/13345006
Quartz Capital Partners Ltd (Company 04282665) launched in 2004 has never been regulated by any Financial Services Authority and the company is not authorised to give investment, legal, tax or other advice and any correspondence should is not to be relied on in making an investment or other decision.