Olemme 40-vuotias suomalainen puutarha-alan perheyritys jo kolmannessa sukupolvessa. Missiomme on parantaa suomalaista puutarhakulttuuria. Löydät myymälämme Helsingistä Herttoniemestä sekä Espoosta Espoonkeskuksesta ja Espoonlahdesta. Lupaamme sinulle korkealaatuisesta asiantuntijuutta asiakaspalvelussa ja laajaa & inspiroivaa tuotevalikoimaa.
Rakennetaan yhdessä sinun pieni pala paratiisia!
PuutarhaNikkarit is specialized in garden and flower retail industry. The Finnish family-owned company has three shops in Helsinki metropolitan area: One in Helsinki and two in Espoo. The shops are located in Herttoniemi, Espoonlahti and Espoon keskus.
"We hold precious that every time you enter our store, you will be served as a beloved friend. You will find a broad selection of best possible products from seedlings to special flowers and garden accessories . We want offer you a special treat every time you come to share a moment with us in a form of service: You will be surprised and you will find new solutions.
Our services cover flower binding & floristry, garden planning & execution, landscaping and home delivery. In-store service is helpful, professional and inspiring. We want you to find the beauty of your own garden or balcony and expand your imagination on flora."