Global IT/Software/Web Development Company can save you and your clients 30% - 70% on IT manpower costs.
ProxSoft (, a world class leader in IT/Software/Web technology development, supplies top quality, full-cycle software services to IT companies and private enterprises around the globe.
Among ProxSoft services are specific technical expertise in complex web applications, e-procurement, and iPhone/mobile applications, as well as industry specific expertise in the healthcare, telecom and media sectors. We can deliver either PC or Apple desktop applications.
Whether you are a private enterprise in need of software or web development services, or an IT company looking to better serve your clients, ProxSoft offers many engagements models to fit your particular needs.
Benefits and services you may receive from ProxSoft;
- Save 30% - 70% on IT manpower costs and infrastructure.
- Have the ability to facilitate larger and more complex web or software projects than you can now with your current staffing and expertise
- Full-cycle software solutions, from needs assessment and project planning to technical support and maintenance
- Save significant money on infrastructure costs for ODC's (offshore development centers)
- Set up a development center or centers that will act as extensions of your own in-house IT department
- Complete projects with a faster time to market for quicker return on investment (ROI) and higher profits. ProxSoft can deploy dedicated teams or centers throughout 11 time zones of Russia for maximum efficiency.
- Western work ethic enabling strong business communication.
ProxSoft also has partnership and resellers programs for companies and individuals looking to expand their services and client base in the IT area.
Outsourcing and Offshoring Consulting
HQ Location
office 318, 76, 7th line of V.O.
Saint-Petersburg, 199178, RU
offshoreoutsourcingsoftwaredevelopmentE-procurementMedia and PublishingHealth Caretechnology consultingintegrationapplications