Providence MBA

Providence MBA specializes in Hospitals and Health Care with 2 employees
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About Providence MBA
We believe in treating each of our physicians as a business owner, in order that they may serve our communities with the highest medical care available. Though there are many medical billing companies to choose from, there are not many that can provide “Medical Business Advancements.” Since there are no two practices the same, we make necessary adjustments to our providers’ specific business needs, instead of them fitting our needs. Providence MBA is here to give independently-minded doctors a way to remain independent, so they can provide the ultimate medical care their patients need. Why? Because everyone needs a good physician devoted to timely and professional healthcare, and those patients include ourselves, our neighbors, and our families.
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Hospitals and Health Care
HQ Location
4971 E Interstate 20 Service Rd N 301 Willow Park, Texas 76087, US
Medical billingBusiness management for medical practicesTailored business solutions
Medical billing servicesBusiness advancement solutionsCustomized business solutions for medical practices
Medical Revenue ManagmentMedical BillingMedical CodingHIPAAHIPAA CompliancePharmacogenomicsPGxMedical MarketingMedical Consulting
Providence MBA Location
  • 4971 E Interstate 20 Service Rd N 301 Willow Park, Texas 76087, US

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Providence MBA specializes in the Hospitals and Health Care field

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Providence MBA specializes in the Hospitals and Health Care field