Why does Prospectory exist? Please read our manifesto:
Let's cut right to the chase: 'Sales' is a profession with a somewhat questionable reputation. The cliche says that Sales people are opportunistic humbugs who pretend having magical powers that will lead to the moon. But if the subsequent results are disappointing, sales people always blame the product, the proposition, the marketing or even the entire organisation, but never themselves.
It's exactly this perception of opportunism and unreliability that us at Prospectory want to put behind us. After all, we see Sales as the basis for healthy entrepreneurship and growth. In order to give Sales the regard it deserves, we will have to realize a cultural change: in our opinion Sales needs to be done much sounder and more sincere in order to generate permanent success.
We set this culture change in motion, by making sales everyone's responsibility. It is no longer merely the Sales department that is allowed to sell a product or service. For instance, we teach developers to sell their software product themselves. They know much better what the product can and can't do after all.
In addition, we strongly believe that it all begins by taking clients serious again. For, if we sincerely respect prospects, a long-term relation with clients will be the result. When we achieve this, it's no longer possible to label Sales as 'too opportunistic'.
Prospectory. Serious about sales.