Promoclip International

Advertising Services, Vervaardiging van overige metaalwaren, Metaal en metaalwaren · 11 Employees
Since 1994 Promoclip International BV is manufacturer and worldwide distributor of the original Promoclip. Eversince, millions of Promoclips have been printed with the most beautiful and well know logo’s. As a gadget, the XL clip was introduced in 2004. This nice give away money clip matches the Promoclip shape, as did the ML clip that was brought on the market one year later. This larger version of the Promoclip developed rapidly, thanks to the low minimum purchase requirement and its impressive size and strength. It now forms an important part of our turnover. Together with the introduction of the ML clip, the modern digital printing came along. This technique offered the possibility of producing smaller quantities, a benefit that proved to be a great marketing tool. Naturally, the original Promoclip with a digitally printed label became available in smaller quantities as well. Whichever clip you choose, you can be sure the quality is what you expect it to be. After all, we are the number one clip supplier and do our utmost to keep it that way.
Year Founded
Social Media
Advertising Services, Vervaardiging van overige metaalwaren, Metaal en metaalwaren, Werktuigbouwkunde
HQ Location
Binnenweg 72/B 2101 JL Heemstede Nederland
Promotional paperclips padprintedPromotional paperclips laser engravedand Promotional paperclips digitally printed
  • Binnenweg 72/B 2101 JL Heemstede Nederland

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Advertising Services, Vervaardiging van overige metaalwaren, Metaal en metaalwaren

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