A project of the Earth Island Institute, Project Survival Media (PSM) is a global youth journalism network dedicated to broadcasting stories of survival and ingenuity in the face of climate change.
Our media teams, on all seven continents, are reporting on the most compelling climate stories, amplifying voices underrepresented by traditional media, and launching “Survival” to the forefront of the political debate.
PSM strengthens the NGO and political dialogue on what is possible in order to ensure our survival.
PSM worked with 93 youth journalists in the lead up to the landmark UN Climate conference in Copenhagen in December of 2009. Project Survival Media assembled and launched seven global new media teams to report on the most compelling climate stories from around the world, amplify voices underrepresented by traditional media, and breathe life into the facts and statistics of the climate crisis.
In Copenhagen we worked with a team of 18 youth to report from the UNFCCC climate negotiations, producing blogs, photo essays, and mini-documentaries.