The Progressive Change Campaign Committee ( is a million member grassroots organization building power at the local, state and federal levels. It engages in electoral work and issue advocacy work -- fighting on democracy issues and for economic populist priorities like expanding Social Security, Medicare For All, a Green New Deal, student debt cancellation, and Wall Street reform. PCCC has been a proud supporter of Elizabeth Warren since her first run for Senate and was the first national political organization to endorse her for president in the 2020 election.
Adam Green and Stephanie Taylor founded PCCC in 2009, and we’ve been fighting for progressive change ever since.
Some of our issues include:
* Expanding Social Security
* Debt-free college and student debt cancellation
* Medicare for All
* Wall Street reform and accountability
* Stopping surveillance and protecting privacy
* Stopping bad trade deals like TPP
* Free and open Internet
* Paid family leave
We also support candidates running for office through fundraising, volunteers, training, and technology. We’ve supported candidates with millions of phone calls to voters through our Call Out The Vote program, and trained thousands of candidates and campaign staffers in the nuts-and-bolts of running for office.
We also have a proud affiliation with the P Street Project (c4).