At Nance Accounting Academy, we provide quality, affordable accounting services that help women and minority owned businesses compete and thrive in today’s market.
Formed in May 2016 as an online tutoring solution, we’ve used the last two years to conduct research to see how to best serve the population of graduating accounting college students and the world around us. Through limited advertising and the use of social media, our revenues increased by 500% from 2016 to 2017 with only marginal increases in expenses. To date, many of the services have been provided pro bono or at discounted rates to family and our extended network in order to decipher what businesses really need from accountants these days.
While our services are utilized and beneficial to all small businesses, we cater to Minority Owned Businesses (MBE), Women Owned Businesses (WBE), and other populations with disadvantages pertaining to owning a business. While there are a number of resources that currently exist for this population of business owners, MBE and WBE businesses still only make up a fraction of businesses in the United States.