Probe Information Services is India’s leading platform for company information. Based in Bangalore, Probe aggregates, cleans, curates and delivers comprehensive, real-time data on all Indian companies. Specializing in unlisted company coverage, we provide 500+ data points on more than 2.8 million companies and 2.6 million directors. Our data is delivered via two channels: a self-serve web portal (, and open APIs. Probe’s information is being actively used by over 82,000 bankers and 85,000 corporates to help streamline the credit, risk, compliance and sales processes.
Information Services
HQ Location
58/1, 4th Floor, Wing A, IndiQube Mini Forest,
1st Main Rd, 3rd Phase, J. P. Nagar,
Bangalore, 560008, IN
Listed and Unlisted Company InformationSaaSand Company Research