Human capital in organizations is often under-served, underfunded and basically overlooked. This unfortunately has a direct impact on the bottom line of the company.
Proactive Performance Consulting founder Alejandro Esch has over 20 years of experience helping organizations improve performance with measurable results. He has a true passion in helping organizations be as healthy as possible. He believes that there is no reason why organization should be performing poorly or have a negative corporate culture.
It is for this reason, Alejandro has dedicated his professional life to “results based” performance improvement in organizations. His systematic approaches are fun, interactive and effective in improving human and organizational performance. He is fully dedicated to sharing his experiences and knowledge to as many people and organizations as possible.
We take a proactive approach to improving performance via fun and interactive workshops and coaching. We are aware that changes in organizations come in all shapes and sizes and are often mismanaged thus effecting the organization’s well-being. Our workshops will teach you how to proactively manage Change, Performance and Training needs in your organization. We will teach you different processes to follow to solve your organizations performance issues. Our workshops cover topics such as Change Management(CM), Human Performance Improvement (HPI) and Instructional Systems Design (ISD).
To improve individual and organizational performance via fun, systematic and measurable workshops and coaching.