Professional Window Cleaning Services Islington - ProClean Windows ProClean has over 10 years of experience working in this industry. We offer a complete window cleaning service for commercial, industrial, and small or large residential premises. ProClean uses the experience gained over the past 10 years to develop methods specifically suited to individual window cleaning needs. Our complete understanding of health and safety issues provides high-quality assurance and peace of mind for all our clients. With our expertise and specialist knowledge, ProClean has become a trusted and favoured name for window cleaning in Greater London and South East England. We always make recommendations with regards to the frequency of cleaning. Many of our clients enjoy considerable savings. Make sure that your window cleaners have public liability insurance. If they do not, it is not advisable to employ them as they are not insured against damages, accidents or personal injury. ProClean has public liability insurance in the unlikely event of anything going wrong. We can produce method statements and risk assessments for all the work you require. These documents are proof of a serious commitment to correct health and safety procedures. ProClean always supply comprehensive method statements and risk assessments for all our clients prior to starting work. Our window cleaners are fully trained and experienced for working at heights. Special skills and knowledge are required for safe high level work. inexperience and a lack of proper training can easily lead to accidents. We accept: