Pro Bono Econos Pty Ltd is a not-for-profit economics organisation that creates high-impact volunteering opportunities for economists across economic consulting, financial literacy education, and third sector research.
Our mission is to see charitable organizations and members of the community better equipped with the powerful economic insights and financial knowledge they need to thrive. Volunteer economists are the key to achieving this mission and therefore the central element of our approach.
Our vision is a world with a socially-engaged economics profession, a financially knowledgeable population, and a sustainable and accountable charitable sector.
Pro Bono Econos has worked with many charities and social enterprises in nearly every industry. This includes tech startups, online community platforms, refugee aid organisations, gender equality organisations, tourism management nonprofits, apparel enterprises, medical support startups, urban farming initiatives, rural innovation hubs, organisations assisting the homeless, and others.
We have an active community of over 600 economists across Australasia and East and South-East Asia, and over 6 affiliated student chapters in Australia, Taiwan and Japan.
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- Twitter: @ProBonoEconos
- Instagram: @ProBonoEconos