Prison Journalism Project

Writing and Editing · 2 Employees
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We are an independent non-partisan journalism organization that works with incarcerated writers and those impacted by incarceration to train them in the tools of journalism and help them reach a wide audience through our publication as well as through collaborations with mainstream media. The genesis of our organization is based on a simple question: how can we unleash the enormous power of journalism to elevate and amplify the voices so often left out of the public conversation about justice and imprisonment in our society? We believe that the deep reforms that are necessary to fix the U.S. criminal justice system can only happen by shifting the narrative. Intentional, responsible and well-crafted journalism from within the incarcerated community can break stereotypes, bring more transparency and drive change. Our solution is to provide the necessary training to create the first nationwide network of prison journalists who know the system from the inside.
Year Founded
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Writing and Editing
HQ Location
2093 Philadelphia Pike #1054 Claymont, DE 19703, US
  • 2093 Philadelphia Pike #1054 Claymont, DE 19703, US

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