The Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District (PLSLWD) was formed on March 4, 1970 at the request of local residents through a citizen’s petition. The District covers about 42 square miles in Scott County, MN. Water in the PLSLWD primarily flows from the southwest to the northeast through Spring, Upper Prior and Lower Prior Lakes, and then north through the Prior Lake Outlet Channel to the Minnesota River near Valley Fair amusement park.
Our Mission Statement:
Our mission is to manage and preserve the water resources of the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District to the best of our ability using input from our communities, sound engineering practices, and our ability to efficiently fund beneficial projects which transcend political jurisdictions.
What does the PLSLWD do?
The Board of Managers oversees many efforts to conserve, protect and manage water resources within the PLSLWD. The District works closely with local cities, townships, Scott County and state agencies to accomplish its goals. All of the District’s activities are outlined in its comprehensive plan, called the Water Resources Management Plan, available on our website. Ongoing activities include:
◾ Water quality monitoring
◾ Land management (filter strips, wetland restoration)
◾ Lake water quality improvement efforts (aquatic plant management, water quality education, cost-share projects)
◾ Permitting and inspection of development and other land-disturbing activities
◾ Prior Lake outlet operation and maintenance, and long-term planning for Prior Lake water levels (including enhancement of the Prior Lake Outlet Channel)
◾ Business, homeowner, and youth education