Prime Care Physicians

Prime Care Physicians specializes in Medical Practices with 11 employees
Phone Number: 18189957784
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About Prime Care Physicians
Prime Care Physicians is a private medical practice that provides a wide array of in-home services for homebound patients in the Chicagoland and surrounding area. We aim to improve the physical, emotional and mental wellness, and quality of life of our patients by providing quality in-home care and services tailored to the individual needs of each patient. Our providers include Medical Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, and Podiatrists. We also have a highly skilled team of Medical Assistants, RNs, and staff. Amongst our providers and staff, we speak English, Spanish, Russian, Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu, and Tagalog. Our services include check-ups, follow-ups, routine physicals, treatment and management of chronic conditions, wound care debridement and management, preventative care and education, urgent care, sick visits, transitional care management post-hospital visits, and podiatry services including below-the-knee wound care. We accept most major insurance carriers and private pay patients. Please contact us to see if we work with your insurance plan. Please contact us for more information through email (, or call our office at (630) 701-9009. For referrals and self-referrals, please call our office or fax patient information to (630) 701-9010.
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Medical Practices
HQ Location
1355 Remington Road Suite H Schaumburg, IL 60173, US
In-home careChronic condition managementWound carePreventative careUrgent careTransitional carePodiatry servicesMultilingual communication
In-home servicesCheck-upsFollow-upsRoutine physicalsTreatment and management of chronic conditionsWound care debridement and managementPreventative care and educationUrgent careSick visitsTransitional care management post-hospital visitsPodiatry servicesBelow-the-knee wound care
Elderly PatientsDisabled PatientsIn-Home VisitsMedicareMedicare Part BPodiatryPodiatristHomebound PatientsNurse PractitionersDoctors
Prime Care Physicians Location
  • 1355 Remington Road Suite H Schaumburg, IL 60173, US

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