The Presentie Foundation is a knowledge institute for presence and relational caring in healthcare and social welfare. The Foundation was established in 2004 on the initiative of Prof. Dr. Andries Baart with the aim of promoting, disseminating, further developing and deepening the presence approach. Important activities to achieve this objective are: organizing study meetings and teaching courses, supporting presence practices, promoting and conducting research and disseminating information in the field of presence approach and theory. A brief description of the presence approach is: 'A practice in which the caregiver focuses attentively and devotedly on the other person, learns to see what is at stake for that other person - from desires to fear - and subsequently understands what could be done in the situation in question and who he/she can be for the other. What can be done is done. A way of doing things that can only be achieved with a sense of subtlety, craftsmanship, practical wisdom and loving loyalty' (from our 'Praktijkboek presentie'). See more at: