Prerna Social Development and Welfare Society
Prerna Social Development and Welfare Society is registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Our organization is a non-profit voluntary organization, engaged in social services
India is a land of plenty . It is a land generously endowed with natural and man made resources . Even amidst the plenty poverty and ignorance are the two factors which have become the roots of all earls They are like mill stones hanging from the shoulders of society slowing down growth & progress.
Our main objective is to improve the quality of life of the underprivileged and marginalized people. We are determined to replace their despair with hope, their fear with security, and their ignorance with knowledge.
The worst probably victim of the twin curses are the children from the down trodden section of society. The main objective this organization is to efface ignorance with the help of education. With sheer determination we want to reach out to the under precluded section of society by importing knowledge .
We are also working together for giving them opportunity to have access to healthcare, sufficient and nutritious food acquire skills for generating income, clean water and pollution-free environment .In the long run they will be able to protect themselves from exploitation both mental and physical. we want to bridge the gap between the people in need and those who have the ability and resource to provide support that they need.
Social Development Services, Welfare Organization Services, Charity & Non Profit Organizations, Contractors & Freelancers
HQ Location
55 Gautam Nagar, New Delhi-110049, Delhi, India