As the employer's Third Party Administrator (TPA) for their retirement plan, we perform all of the duties you would expect of a full service TPA:
• Annual Administrative Reports
• Form 5500 Filing Preparations
• Plan Document Maintenance
Where we differentiate ourselves from others is the quality of our service leading to satisfied clients which in turn leads to high retention.
We don’t just mail reports out and expect things to take care of themselves. We make it a point to have, at minimum, an annual review with each of our clients to discuss plan design and operation and any upcoming regulatory issues.
We have a career average of better than 20 years in the retirement plan industry as ERISA Consultants, and that is all we do.
Our staff is made up of credentialed members of the national professional organizations, ASPPA and NIPA, that provide both the ongoing education in our field and the regulatory monitoring necessary for maintaining a healthy industry. We also have members on several of the national investment provider advisory boards helping design the services sponsors enjoy.
Too often, our industry is passed off as a function of payroll that anyone with a computer can manage. Ask any retirement plan sponsor how far this is from the truth. Ask how complicated the interplay of eligibility, vesting, testing and transactions can be.
The expertise required to effectively act as a third party administrator requires both a level of experience and education that Premier brings to the table. To that end, we require all of our plans to have two consultants with at least one being credentialed. It is that important!