Pradeep Enterprises
Commenced in the year
Kattoor, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
“Pradeep Enterprises”
is a
Sole Proprietorship (Individual)
based firm, instrumental as the
wholesale trader
Grinding Wheel, Abrasive Disc, Abrasive Belt, Abrasive, Buffing Wheel, Abrasive Wheels, Abrasive Paper, Abrasive Sheets, Cloth Polishing Mops
and many more. With the years of combined acquaintance of our administration team, we fully understand and respect both the superiority and integrity of the products that we outsource. Therefore, we procure our products gamut from quality assured manufacturers of the respective industry.
Abrasive Equipment, Abrasive Tool, Abrasives & Grains, Hand & Machine Tools, Sisal Buffing Wheels, Abrasive Wheels, Pool Balls, Ball, Kids Car, Toy Cars
HQ Location
208, Tex Spares Tower, Cox Street, Kattoor, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore-641009, Tamil Nadu, India