PowerHouse is a division of SuperFog.
With PowerHouse - OUR PEOPLE IS OUR PRIDE. From admins to cleaners, we will make sure that when you book with us, you get the great service that you and your home deserves!
Skills, honesty, integrity and discretion are paramount in our business.
*CUSTOMER SERVICE.* Our customers are vital to us, which is why we are doing our utmost not only to provide you and your home with the perfect match but also the best customer service.
*CLEANERS.* Every single one of our cleaners has been thoroughly interviewed and chosen to provide you with the very best service. Each of our cleaners has been background checked, and is reliable and trustworthy.
Our promise is to provide a cleaning service that represents quality and value for money.
No risk, just a perfectly cleaned home. Make a booking, sit back and relax. Let us do the hard work.