Positivity pays is a multifaceted publishing company that creates unique content for non-profit organizations looking for value added resources. We also specialize in our own music and comic book creation that focuses on positive messaging and empowering the community. Our organization has worked with several different public schools and prominent non-profit organizations, such as the YMCA and the Boys and Girls Club.
Given that the majority of our work is community based we decided recently to start a non profit organization to emphasize the importance of literacy. The ability to read, write, comprehend and communicate is paramount to one's overall success, so we felt a responsibility to address one of America’s biggest problems.
The power of literacy lies not just in the ability to read and write, but rather in a person’s capacity to apply these skills to effectively connect, interpret and discern the intricacies of the world in which they live. The past decade alone has seen individuals' literacy repertoire extend beyond the traditional pillars of reading, comprehension, grammar and writing, to include digital and interactive applications. This is why we focus on media and financial literacy as well. To serve the needs of our community in a holistic manner.
It is our goal through our unique programming, advocacy, mentoring and literature to change narratives and ultimately change lives. With the assistance of other like-minded individuals and our latest additions, we believe it's only a matter of time before our dreams become a reality.