It’s all about being beautiful for you! Not anyone else! It’s what shakes-up your makeup.It’s
about taking the lead and
then watch who follows. Be a
beat breaker, a daredevil, a soul
shaker a rock babe! It’s products
keep you close enough to
the edge to make them alluring
but just safe enough not to fall
off! It stays true to your color.
It’s the girl in the bright red
dress. Is it you? It’s a disco ball
and a raspberry mojito.
It’s humour and fearlessness.
It’s a night camping in a field or
a night at the opera. It’s your color accessory and your color. It's POP art.
It's in your skin. It’s a beauty revolution, with a smile. It's quirky quality.
It's serious only because it has to be. It’s got soul! It's what takes you from A
to B. It’s the sazz and the jazz! It's jumping in the pool with you party dress
on and not worrying about your makeup. It’s your makeup. It’s jumping the
queue. It’s today not tomorrow. It's urgent. It's here. It’s POP!