Create, manage and monetize a metadata ecosystem dedicated to the 2sd screen market, here is our mission !
To succeed, we leverage strong partnerships and technologic platform that we get standard. So we guide all the value chain actors keeping user experience as the heart of our considerations.
Here are some main applications of our technical platform :
Interactive TV Games
Innovate and create new TV Game Play using our platform and services.
So you’ll be easily and safely able to offer your audience the opportunity to become participants and win marvellous gifts from their own sofa !
Social TV
Generate automatic hashtags to optimize your social marketing strategy, re-synchronise your comment feed in unlinear mode to offer your fans the same user experience at any moment.
Interactive advertising
Keep your consumer attention “on”while advertising funnels, get your audience always more loyal, increase the engagement and memorization rate of your ads and discover some innovative and performing tools.
Product Linking
Get your audience able to identify products they see in your videos
to generate new and additional revenues
and many other innovative stuffs