Pleune Service is a Mechanical Contractor which has been in business since 1974.
Pleune is also a 100% "Employee Owned" company, also known as an ESOP.
Today Pleune employs approximately 120 employees, many who have been with the company double digit years. This not only speaks to Pleune’s employees level of commitment, it also emphasizes the diverse skill level of the employees working for the company.
If Pleune can assist you in your buildings mechanical needs, please visit our website for more details at, or contact us at 1.800.447.6907. We'll be happy to serve you!
Construction, HVAC Contractors, Contractors, Engineering & Consulting
HQ Location
750 Himes SE
Grand Rapids, Mi 49548, US
PlumbingHVACSheetmetal24-hour ServiceInstallatioMechanicalElectricalControlsPipefittingHydronics