Põldma Kaubanduse As

Retail · 201 Employees
Email Address: u003eepood@denimdream.ee
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Denim Dreami kauplustekett on tuntud mitmekülgse brändivaliku poolest terves Baltikumis, pakkudes klientidele nii maailmakuulsaid trendibrände kui ka klassikalisemaid moebrände, nagu Guess, Tommy Hilfiger, Pepe Jeans, Calvin Klein, Tommy Jeans, Denim Dream, Mustang, Tom Tailor, Lee Cooper jpt. Põldma Kaubanduse AS on kõigi eeltoodud kaubamärkide maaletooja ning peamiseks tegevusalaks on jae- ja hulgimüük. Tänaseks on ettevõte jõudsalt laienenud, omades üle 120 poe Eestis, Lätis, Leedus kui ka Poolas. Meie eesmärk on kliente rõõmustada, pakkudes neile unustamatuid moeelamusi ning suurepärast personaalset teenindust, et muuta kogu ostuprotsess võimalikult lihtsaks ning mugavaks. Kohtumiseni Denim Dreami kauplustes! ENG: The Denim Dream trademark was created in 2003 and in 2004 the first Denim Dream stores were opened. To date the establishment has expanded successfully, owning more than 120 stores in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The Denim Dream store chain is well-known in all Baltic States for its versatile brand selection, by offering customers world-famous fashion brands like Guess, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Tommy Jeans, Pepe Jeans, Mustang, Tom Tailor, Denim Dream etc. Põldma Kaubanduse AS is an importer of all these trademarks and is active in retail and wholesale. The trademarks include a wide selection of high-quality denim and other clothing collections for women as well as men and kids. Our goal is to please customers by offering them unforgettable fashion experiences and excellent personal service, in order to make the whole shopping process as easy and convenient as possible. See you in the Denim Dream stores!
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HQ Location
Ehitajate tee 120 Tallinn, Harjumaa 13517, EE
  • Ehitajate tee 120 Tallinn, Harjumaa 13517, EE
  • Ieriķu iela 3 Rīga, LV-1084, LV
  • Saltoniškių g. 9 Vilnius, LT, LT

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