Platforme Planet Earth

Platforme Planet Earth specializes in Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing with 2 employees
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About Platforme Planet Earth
Climate Change is facing a fragmented market today – Platforme Planet Earth brings consolidated news, opportunities and solutions. Our mission is to engage, inspire and motivate individuals and businesses to take action. Though there is abundant information on climate change in many channels around the world, there is currently no global forum that aggregates current trends, conditions and news with products and new business opportunities for both buyers and sellers. - Information from every news, business, academic and scientific outlet has limited exposure through its own channel. Bringing together the content on our platform increases the audience of each individual voice and amplifies the collective message - Entrepreneurs developing ideas and new businesses to address climate change issues and awareness lack clear and consistent access to buyers and potential investors - Providing a marketplace for ideas and new ventures provides greater opportunity to match buyers and sellers Platforme Planet Earth is a curated selection of climate change news, academic information and a marketplace for buyers and sellers to promote and sell their ideas and products. The website is centered around a rotating selection of planet earth-themed artworks and videos to tell the story. Our story of Planet Earth.
Year Founded
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Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
HQ Location
New York, 10075, US
Aggregation of climate change news and trendsConnecting entrepreneurs with buyers and investorsCurating and presenting academic informationMarketplace management
Curated selection of climate change newsAcademic informationMarketplace for buyers and sellersPromotion and sale of ideas and products
climate changeartglobal warmingglobal environmentrenewable energyeco-friendlysustainabletechnology#platformeplanetearth#PlanetEarthIsEveryonesBusiness
Platforme Planet Earth Location
  • New York, 10075, US

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Platforme Planet Earth specializes in the Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing field

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Platforme Planet Earth specializes in the Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing field