
Pixelscopic specializes in Computer Games with 2 employees
Phone Number: 417 522-0023
Email Address: pr@pixelscopic.com
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About Pixelscopic
We are an indie game developer and entertainment media company. Pixelscopic [ ˌpik səl ˈskäp ik ] means that every aspect of our work reflects a love of the smallest nuances of the digital medium. A small team based in Missouri, we were founded in 2010 on the principles of developing games and user experiences of impeccable quality, creativity, and aesthetics. Games are imaginary spaces and frameworks that one can tangibly explore, and we as a company want to explore the possibilities that this provides as an artistic medium. We craft otherwordly experiences, with passion for subtle detail, and ambitions as expansive as our imaginations. With over 30 shipped titles combined, our experienced team of visionaries forge pathways that reach forward into comtemporary game design and mobile play, while gazing back at the wonders of our shared gaming past. Whether we are expounding epic lore or rewarding simple successes, we want our games to take root deep in the imaginations of our fans.
Year Founded
Social Media
Computer Games
HQ Location
315 W Commercial St #200 Springfield, MO 65803, US
Impeccable qualityCreativityAestheticsSubtle detailGame designMobile game developmentEpic lore creationSimple success rewards
Indie game developmentUser experiencesContemporary game designMobile playShipped titles
Game DevelopmentPCMacLinuxiOSAndroiWebGame Design & IP DevelopmentWorld BuildingConcept Art
Pixelscopic Location
  • 315 W Commercial St #200 Springfield, MO 65803, US

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Pixelscopic specializes in the Computer Games field