PikkoTekk is a company that provides network and server solutions for online games.
The company has developed a suite of new products and tools that has changed the way the industry makes multiplayer games and MMOs. Most recognized amongst its achievements is Pikko Server, a server software
layer that can load balance and scale game servers far beyond the capability of any other system.
Since founded in 2009 by David Almroth, Mattias Norlander and the REEP development group, the company has been successful in attracting a wide range of customers, from such giants as Ericsson to newly formed
companies such as Free Range Games (formed by former lead developers of Activision).
PikkoTekk has made its technology available to Unity developers through its sales and support organisation UnityPark (www.unitypark3d.com). In addition, PikkoTekk has a number of partnerships with well established companies and institutions. Some of whom are Erlang Solutions and Uppsala University.