The mission of Phytology Labs is to help consumers look the way that they want on the outside so that they feel confident on the inside, and its goal is to become substantial player in the weight management (~$2 billion) and cosmeceutical (~$6 billion markets) . ANVANCA™ is the first step in this process.
The potential of the weight loss/management category is enormous. Nearly 70% of all American adults are obese or overweight . Given the American society has become 'obesogenic,' characterized by environments that promote increased food intake, poor food choices, and physical inactivity, this rate is expected to climb. Although most consumers recognize that they need to lose weight, they struggle to do it. Losing weight requires consumers to overcome both physiological and psychological hurdles, and most people become overwhelmed when the have to tackle more than one problem at once. The LIBRE™ dual path success model is the only program designed to address both.