The challenge of keeping up with EMR requirements and back-office administration, while still providing quality patient care, is daunting. As patient volume increases, so does the amount of paperwork, charting, and documentation required for billing and compliance with EMR and hospital/practice regulations.
Physicians Angels has provided its one-of-a-kind Virtual Scribe services to healthcare providers since 2007. And through our Staffing Angels service line, we provide virtual back office management services that include: Prior Authorizations, Pre-certifications, Medical Coding, Charge Entry & Review, Payment Posting, and Pre-chart Prep & Uploading Patient Documents into clinics' EMRs.
We designed our virtual staffing services to free clinicians from the burdensome requirements of EMR documentation and back office management, so they can focus on providing better care and saving time.
Hospitals and Health Care
HQ Location
Toledo, Ohio 43604, US
Virtual Scribe servicesBack office managementEMR documentationMedical codingPatient document management
Virtual Scribe servicesPrior AuthorizationsPre-certificationsMedical CodingCharge Entry & ReviewPayment PostingPre-chart PrepUploading Patient Documents into clinics' EMRs
EMR Data ManagementHealthcare AdministratioMedical ScribesVirtual Medical ScribesMedical TranscriptioInsurance VerificatioEMR MigratioDocument Management