PhotoPharmics specialize in treating neurodegenerative disorders through the eyes.
We have 30+ years of research and experience in this field, developing specialized light solutions to regulate circadian rhythms for SAD, sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression (acquired by Philips-Respironics in 2007). These solutions are now used by millions.
Neurodegenerative diseases show retinal deterioration, which may contribute to disease symptoms. These diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, are also accompanied by circadian system dysregulation.
Animal research and human pilot trials show that specialized wavelengths of light delivered in the right intensities and at the right time of day could reduce Parkinson’s symptoms. As a result of our work in this area, PhotoPharmics developed the use of specific wavelengths of light in Parkinson’s and conducted a pivotal human clinical trial to demonstrate its safety and efficacy.
The results of the clinical trial will be published in the Autumn of 2018