Pharmilab is a global consulting firm specializing in the cosmetics industry.
Its range of services ranges from the review of cosmetic formulations to compliance with international market requirements, marketing, and access to sales channels. By working with Pharmilab, our customers can centralize all their needs in one partner. This accelerates the growth of their brands and gives them total security during the internationalization process.
Why work with Pharmilab?
Pharmilab stands out from any other company on the market because of the cross-divisional nature of the services. We guarantee 100% of the needs of any cosmetic brand that wants to implement or grow its brand, not only in the European market, but in many other international markets.
Our customers see us more as a partner with the commitment, availability and experience to help their brands grow faster than as a simple supplier.
Pharmilab is an ISO 9001 certified company and a member of Cosmetics Consultants Europe.