is one of the most sought after pet supplies & holistic, organic natural pet food ecommerce website companies on the web today. was established during the summer of 2009. has quickly grew into a full fledge web store and has established itself as a major player. Within the online pet store community.
Our Commitment is devoted to uniting pet rescues internationally. We believe that the heart of our purpose lies within our rescue community. These dedicated individuals work endlessly to provide a well-deserved second chance for our animal companions that truly are in desperate need. We strive to make a difference in each of their little lives to bestow a positive outcome in the end. Presently, millions of animals are suffering from abuse, neglect and abandonment. With every purchase from our site, you will benefit an animal in distress. We look forward to giving that second-chance and providing resources for our friends in dire need. is committed to this cause by making a difference that begins with You!