Personal PAC is a non-partisan political action committee dedicated to preserving abortion rights in Illinois by electing pro-choice candidates to state and local office.
Pro-choice forces are currently facing an unprecedented attack on reproductive rights. Anti-choice candidates and legislation, on both the state and national level, are threatening to dangerously restrict and deny access to safe and legal abortions.
This renewed assault on reproductive and abortion rights must be reversed with an electoral strategy designed to defeat anti-choice politicians, and to elect and re-elect pro-choice officials dedicated to protecting a woman's right to choose.
Personal PAC's determination and time-tested strategy for electing solidly pro-choice candidates in Illinois is needed now more than ever for the upcoming elections.
Political Organizations, Environment, Volunteer Services
HQ Location
134 N La Salle St
Suite 2040
Chicago, Illinois 60602, US
abortion rightsIllinois politicsreproductive healthreproductive rightsand political