Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts School and Camp will push you to achieve new heights in your craft, explore different disciplines, create, collaborate, and take risks in your art. Our alumni and faculty star in the foremost dance and theater companies in the U.S. and abroad, on Broadway, in film and television, and also teach at major universities. Our students are admitted into the most prestigious university arts programs. Our equestrian programs offer a standard of excellence in the growth and development of riders. At Perry-Mansfield, you will find your peers and your mentors. A rigorous and nationally prestigious education, stellar faculty, peers from all over the U.S., an inspiring and spectacular setting, multiple performance opportunities and camp fun. Our students say their summers at Perry-Mansfield are some of the most memorable and formative of their lives. Add in a student to faculty ratio of 8:1 which allows for unparalleled opportunities to study, create, and achieve incredible gains in your craft, connections with esteemed faculty in the performing arts and higher education, and future opportunities to excel in college and career, and you can understand why our alumni say “Perry-Mansfield changed my life!”