⭐️ Perifit is a profitable and fast-growing femtech startup based in Paris, France. Turnover was multiplied by 100 in 5 years !
Our goal is to assist women worldwide with the most challenging moments in their lives - moments that are heavily under-addressed - and do benefit from fun and effective self-care solutions.
Our first product, the Perifit (a connected probe and its mobile games), launched in 2018, has become the #1 connected solution for pelvic floor rehabilitation. As of now, it has helped a whooping 250.000 women cure themselves and is the best-ranked app in its category.
We now develop innovative pelvic floor trainers and breast pumps that use the most recent technologies to help women improve their lives. Our mission is to empower women to take control of their health and improve their overall well-being.
Our team grew from 2 co-founders to approximately 30 employees in three years (2020 to 2023), and we operate in a truly global environment, with customers and partners around the world.
At Perifit, we stand for equality, inclusivity, benevolence and wellbeing for both our clients and our employees.
Joining Perifit means being part of a dynamic, mission-driven team that is making a real difference in women's lives, and having the opportunity to contribute to a growing and innovative startup in the Femtech industry !
We’re very proud of our values ! FREEDOM – FEMINISM – STARTUP MINDSET – REAL IMPACT – NO EGO