We are the biggest and most complete platform of management and traceability of aerial pulverization in the world. PERFECT FLIGHT SYSTEM generates simultaneous reports of pulverization analyzes through LOG files from the aircraft, therefore farmers and the industry can assess pulverizations in regards to Sustainability and Performance.
What problems are we solving?
The undeniable suffering of many farmers with runaway spendings inside their properties gave rise to Perfect Flight App.
The cost of pesticides is the second biggest one in Brazil. Before Perfect Flight was established, the information related to this operation was not correctly assessed:
- Badly planning application routes (Fuel overspending)
- Unapplied areas (Gateway to pest reinfestations and diseases along with reduced productivity)
- Off-target applications (Drift, waste, contaminations)
- Overlapping (Molecule obsolescence)
- Visibility of restricted areas (Beehives, animal husbandry, App, etc.)
- Identification and warnings for ideal and/or restrictive conditions for applications (thermal inversion, wind speed, temperature, and humidity)