People for Derek Kilmer

People for Derek Kilmer specializes in Political Organizations with 11 employees
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About People for Derek Kilmer
Derek Kilmer represents Washington's 6th congressional district in the House of Representatives, and understands the struggles middle-class families are going through because he’s lived through them. The son of two public school teachers, Derek was raised in Port Angeles during a time of high unemployment on the Olympic Peninsula. As the timber industry declined and local businesses closed, Derek watched as his friends’ parents lost their jobs and their ability to support their families. Derek has been identified as one of the most effective members of the U.S. House. An article in the Washington Post named him as one of the five Democrats in Congress most able to pass significant legislation to benefit their constituents. Derek currently serves on the House Appropriations Committee and is a member of the Subcommittees on Interior & Environment, Defense, and Energy & Water. By joining Team Kilmer, you'll be joining a team of driven, motivated, and politically engaged people from all over the 6th district. That's why we're looking for people who care about the political process, preserving and improving the 6th district, and, most importantly, share Rep. Kilmer's commitment to getting stuff done.
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Political Organizations
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Tacoma, WA 98402, US
Effective legislative actionPassing significant legislationCommitment to constituent benefitsService on the House Appropriations CommitteeMembership in Subcommittees on Interior & Environment, Defense, and Energy & Water
People for Derek Kilmer Location
  • Tacoma, WA 98402, US

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