Peekaboo Animation was founded in 2015 as a studio devoted to the development, production and distribution of animation works for children, mainly in the TV field and digital world. Peekaboo manages its own IPs as well as represents third-party productions on a worldwide basis.
In addition, Peekaboo Animation provides services to third parties of very different natures: from story editing, illustration and storyboarding, up to executive production and international consultancy.
Peekaboo is member of the board at the Catalan Association of Animation Producers (ProAnimats) and the Spanish Federation of Animation and VFX Producers (Diboos), as well as member of the Émile Awards association.
Animation, Motion Picture and Video Industries, Information
HQ Location
Carrer Quevedo 9 baixos
Barcelona, Barcelona 08012, ES
Animation productionAnimation distributionTelevisionChildren's contentPublishingStorytellingIllustrationStoryboardingand Animationcooking lessons