Pearl Studio is one of the world’s leading creators of animated entertainment for the global family market and has recently completed ABOMINABLE, a co-production with DreamWorks Animation, directed by Jill Culton, which was released worldwide through Universal Pictures in September 2019. The studio is also currently producing OVER THE MOON, an animated musical feature film event directed by legendary animator and Academy Award-winning filmmaker Glen Keane. The film will be distributed theatrically in China by Pearl Studio and worldwide by Netflix in 2020.
Headquartered in Shanghai with branches in New York and Los Angeles, Pearl Studio is a CMC Inc. Company. Pearl Studio is focused on Animation Film Production, Copyright Operations, Ancillary Businesses (Merchandising, Joint Promotion, Interactive Entertainment and Location Based Entertainment) and Digital Content. The company was previously operated as a Joint Venture known as Oriental DreamWorks, which co-produced the first American-Chinese animated co-production KUNG FU PANDA 3, which generated more than $500M in Worldwide Box Office revenues and was one of the most successful animated films ever released in China.