Hola! I'm Pablo.
I was born in the Netherlands, but my roots and my heart are in South America. During one of my travels in the Andes I discovered quinoa. A complete protein, unlike rice, grains, beans and peas, containing all the essential amino acids in an almost perfect balance! It’s the perfect plant for protein! But nobody knows how amazing quinoa is… We are going to change that!
We’re the most vibrant quinoa brand that’s good for our people, partners & planet! We’re making healthy quinoa incredibly delicious & ludicrously easy to eat! We’re working together with our farmers for prosperity, not profit. And we’re celebrating amazing Andean quinoa that doesn’t harm the Earth.
Not only do we make healthy quinoa incredibly delicious & ludicrously easy to eat, we also build the most sustainable food chain, supporting our partner farmers in the Andes on their way to climate-positive cultivation!
Viva la quinoa revolución!
- Pablo