After 8 years working to create brands that will change the world, on January 1, 2016, Carlitos and Patricia has started a RESET.
Back in 2008 when we started this unconventional “idea company” called Carlitos y Patricia, Lehman Brothers was still operational and mortgages were granted for almost nothing; Facebook was something just for insiders, no one knew what a hashtag was and hipsters had not yet grown their beards.
Eight years later it is time to restart. The world has changed. The industry has changed. And we, the people behind the company and the company itself have changed. We reinitiate because change is always positive. Because we believe that “always in beta” is more than a nice t-shirt slogan. And above all, because our guts feel like changing.
We have set ourselves three months to RESET, although they may be six. During this time, we will add extra energy to our parallel enterprises leaded by our social project 1010 WAYS TO BUY WITHOUT MONEY, now on its way to become a non-profit foundation. Whatever we’ll become after the RESET, these projects will be a very important part of it.
As a company, these RESET months will mean to be more active than ever in what we’ve called “Business as Unusual”. Our core team won’t leave, but we will use the RESET period to rethink how we work together and with you.
We are open to talk about any new project o idea never seen before. We will use these months to share fresh approaches with clients and partners, to incubate new business areas. Follow us here to be part of the daily life of our RESET and to give and receive feedback. RESET is mostly about observing, experiencing, talking and listening, simple things far from reach at the frantic daily life.
The conversation is open at