Parts-Wise B.V is specialized in offering ALL Porsche (when available) parts online in an easy way.
Our sophisticated and refined search system will make the difference, as well as the exploded view illustrations where you can visually check if you have the correct part for your car. Our goal is to have you search and order parts in a few minutes without the doubt of having ordered the correct part.
You can get into your "own" section specifically for your model in several ways, where you will only be presented with parts that fit your car. Doubts are deleted this way.
Next to all original parts we also supply reproduction parts but also used and revised parts. All sorted via the original Porsche part numbers.
We are competitively priced. We aim for a range of products that is as wide as possible, but because we supply 140.000 parts, it is impossible to have everything in stock. That is why we have maintain good relationships with our international suppliers, who are usually able to supply us within 1 or 2 days.
On average we deliver in 2-3 days after ordering.
Wholesale Motor Vehicles and Parts, Retail trade, motor vehicle spare parts and accessories, General traders, department and retail stores, Retail & Traders, Retail trade
HQ Location
Oostzaan, 1511 HV , NL
PorschePorsche partsClassic PorschePorsche 911Porsche 356Porsche 912Porsche workshopsand Old Porsche parts