Parshva Infratech Private Limited
Parshva Infratech Private Limited was incorporated in year 2008. The promoters and the work force are associated with this business from more than a decade. Earlier the unit was functioning under the engineering division of Paras Webcoat Pvt. Ltd. and recently the unit has been given a different identity under the name of Parshva Infratech.
Parshva is the leader in filling and packing machine manufacturing and for all food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic packing support service, a partner you can rely on. No matter where you are, our modern filling and packing system, qualified professionals advice and service are available, where you need them.
Together we can work out the best solution for your company, and with our all-technical know-how, high innovation capability and outstanding manufacturing strength, we can offer very attractive solution, with built-in advantage and opportunities that will help to give your company the competitive edge.
Parshva is consistently trying to consolidate its position in the Indian engineering and fabrication Industry as a manufacturer of a wide range of products, which conform to the quality expectations of both the domestic and the international market. We have very prestigious clientele in our pocket. The firm is privileged to have executed export orders to Europe and South East Asia.
The capability to develop good quality products satisfying the industrial requirement is credited to the creation of a good infrastructure at Chhatral, near Ahmedabad, one of the leading industrialized cities of India. This facility is equipped with state of the art equipment and managed by a high skilled and experienced team of production personnel who consistently ensure that each and every production activity factors in an adherence to the high quality benchmarks established by the organization.
Tube Sealing Machine, Seal Machines, Strapping & Sealing Machines, Industrial Plants & Machinery, Cream Filling Machine, Viscous Liquid Filling Machine, Filling Machines & Plants, Packaging Machines & Goods, Automatic Tube Filling Machine, Filling Machines
HQ Location
No. 286 - 289, Sukan Mall, Science City Road, Village Sola, Sola Village, Ahmedabad-380060, Gujarat, India