By sharing quality, unused resources for others to access,
Parachut is leading the future in responsible consumerism.
The sharing economy exemplified by companies like Airbnb is getting pushed to another level., the brainchild of Philip and Melissa Niu, is setting a new bar with The Access Economy, which experts are validating as a catalyst that will change the face of consumerism and ownership in industries all over the world.
The Access Economy is the private and protected way for consumers and businesses to get and experience what they want, when they want it, for as long as they want. A BMW one day and a Prius the next? No problem! A creative team that needs the newest photographic equipment for business? Parachut is the smart way to equip them with the latest gear without the hassles of ownership or upgrades.
Parachut offers two paths; Access or Share.
As a Parachut Access Member, you can apply the points in your desired monthly membership plan to the products you want, wherever you are. For Parachut Contributors who share, it’s the next and greatest way to amortize and leverage the expensive or seasonal goods you are grateful to have but reluctant to maintain and store day to day.
The number of storage units in America has surpassed the amount of McDonald’s and Starbucks locations combined. It’s time to reduce the clutter through overconsumption. It’s time to share. Parachut has laid the foundation to forge a more responsible, efficient way to share and access the gear we already love. Send your cameras and photographic equipment to Parachut today. Sign up for membership to enjoy the products and experiences you want most in return.
The days of rabid consumerism are over. The Access Economy is here.
"Parachut is a newly launched camera equipment service that promises to provide all the gear you could want, for as long as you want, by paying a monthly subscription." -Digital Rev
Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
HQ Location
852 W 1500 N
Lehi, Utah 84043, US
Camera equipment managementSubscription-based service modelGear rental logistics
Monthly membership plansAccess to photographic equipmentGear rental service
consumer behaviorshared economycamera gearccess over ownershipelectronicson demand economygig economy